Copper is inherently antimicrobial, and shares this benefit with many copper alloys including brass and bronze. Collectivelytermed 'antimicrobial copper', this family of metals is used to make touchsurfaces that will not harbour pathogens that cause infections, actively killing them 24/7 and in-between regular cleans. Antimicrobial copper hasproven efficacy against a broad range of pathogens, including MRSA, Influenza Aand the highly-infectious 'sickness bug' norovirus, outbreaks of which frequently shut down hospital wards and care homes. 1,000 door handles and 1,000 metres of hand rail will be replaced with antimicrobial copper items in five nursing homes acrossChampagne-Ardenne in north-eastern France. Lasting up to threeyears and involving 600 residents (with 300 copper and 300 control rooms) thestudy will measure copper's ability to reduce infection rates in nursing homeresidents. It will be guided by a scientific committee composed ofphysicians and infection specialists, with funding from across the region aswell as the European Union.
| 铜材料具有天然的抑菌性能,而且许多铜合金材料也具有这一性能,比如黄铜和青铜;它们统称为抑菌铜。采用此类材料制成的表面接触类设施可以抑制感染性致病菌的传播,并且可以全天候杀菌,消除日常清洁和消毒间隙留下的病菌滋生隐患。事实证明铜材料对绝大多数致病菌都具有很强的杀灭功效,比如抗药性金黄色葡萄球菌、甲型流感病毒以及具有高度传染性的“呕吐致病菌”诺瓦克病毒。这些病菌一旦爆发,医院病房以及疗养院就得关门大吉。 法国东北部地区阿登大区的5家疗养院将采用全新的抑菌铜材料设施;届时1000个门把手及总计1000米的扶手栏杆将全部予以更换,使用铜制材料。该项最大规模实验届时将对600名住院医生(300名医生工作地点是配备铜设施的病房,其他300名为普通类控制病房)进行实验;实验将对铜材料的病菌感染控制能力做出精确评估。该项实验的指导机构为由高级医师和传染病专家组成的科学委员会,实验资金由当地及欧盟提供。 |